I strive to create a safe space in which we can work together on exploring what has brought you to counselling at this time. Although fundamentally person-centred in my approach, I have integrated tools and techniques into my practice over the years, including some cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). I offer both short- and long-term counselling, during which we can manage the “symptoms”, explore the cause or a mixture of the two. A counselling session lasts 50 minutes, which is known as the therapeutic hour, and I generally recommend that it takes place on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
You can find further details about person-centred counselling at https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/person-centred-therapy.html.
I offer both couple or individual counselling. While couple counselling is appropriate for people who are having interpersonal issues within their romantic relationships or marriage, it can also be helpful for people who are facing challenges within their non-romantic relationships, such as family or friends. It can also be appropriate for exploring issues that are not directly related to the relationship but are having a detrimental effect on it.
Individual counselling is, as it sounds, appropriate for people who are looking to explore personal issues on a one-to-one basis. Although it can be helpful to have the person in question in the session with us, individual counselling can also be helpful in identifying and taking responsibility for the role that we play in relationships and their issues.
I offer both face-to-face or telephone and video counselling. The one you choose is very much a matter of personal preference since each has its own benefits. With face-to-face counselling, we have the benefit of the non-verbal communication in the room with us. Telephone and video counselling can afford a sense of anonymity, be easier to commit to, especially if your schedule is a busy one, and can take place in the comfort of your own home.
anew: counselling & training
Glasgow | West Dunbartonshire | Scotland | United Kingdom
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