anew: counselling & training
anew /əˈnjuː/ adverb
in a new or different and typically
more positive way
anew /əˈnjuː/ adverb
in a new or different and typically
more positive way
By paying forward a combination of my personal experience of mental health issues, the latest research, ongoing supervision and appropriate training, I aim to help you manage your mental health and personal development so that, one day, you no longer need counselling.
The main issues that I work holistically with are:
As well as:
If you would like to discuss how my approach fits with what you need, don't hesitate to book a free consultation or message me.
I work from a dedicated counselling room in my home, which is on the ground floor. It is accessible by wheelchair and it has a dedicated bathroom for visitors. It is also pet-friendly, so dogs (that are not too disruptive to your session!) are very much welcome. Please note that I live with a cat and a dog visits regularly, which might be an issue if you have an allergy to either.
My name is Laurele and I am a fully qualified integrative counsellor, supervisor and trainer. I am a senior accredited registrant with The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS), adhering to their Code of Ethics and appearing on their Accredited Register. I am also a PVG Scheme member.
I have worked in mental health since June 2005, including in Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), higher education, the NHS and the third sector. I am a tutor on a Diploma in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy course, as well contributing to mental health publications and websites, and delivering Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM).
Alongside being a counsellor, I am also a practicing artist.
anew: counselling & training
Glasgow | West Dunbartonshire | Scotland | United Kingdom
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